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Foundation Level in Clinical Hypnotherapy

As a therapist or Counsellor, are you looking to work at a deeper level with your clients?  Are you aware of their frustration as they want to make changes but keep going round in circles back to where they started? 

The Life Edit Academy understands the need for versatile therapists. That’s why we created our Foundation Level Hypnotherapy course specifically for therapists and counsellors. 

If you’ve heard of hypnotherapy and its potential, or are curious to explore this powerful modality, then this programme is for you!

As a multi-modality therapist, I recognise that there isn’t a one size fits all approach to life or to supporting those who seek our help. I also know that sometimes we don’t want to commit ourselves to yet another Diploma but want to ensure that any additional skills we train in are accredited and ‘safe’ to use with the clients we work with. It is because of this that I have taken the core principles and skills from our Diploma Level 4 qualification and created this Foundation opportunity for you.

Through this General Hypnotherapy Register Foundation Level accredited training with a minimum of 50 hours guided learning, you will achieve their Associate Level membership together with the opportunity to advance this to Level 4 Full Member Practitioner Level or even Advanced Practitioner.

Benefits for Therapists & Counsellors:

  • Expand your skillset: Add the transformative power of clinical hypnotherapy to your existing therapeutic toolbox.
  • Help clients overcome deeper challenges: Address subconscious patterns holding them back.
  • Increase client success rates: Witness faster and more sustainable positive change in your clients.
  • Enhance your practice: Offer a more comprehensive and in-demand therapeutic approach.
  • Accredited and Safe: Learn evidence-based techniques approved by the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR).
  • Flexible Learning: Invest in your growth without a full diploma commitment. This foundation course ensures you acquire valuable skills quickly.

Don’t limit your ability to help your clients! 

Enrol in our Foundation Level Hypnotherapy course starting in September 2024 and unlock the potential for profound change in your practice.

Hypnotherapy Training Modules

New cohort starting September 2024

Module One

• History of Hypnosis
• Explanation of Hypnosis
• Functions of the mind
• Power of suggestion
• Basic rapport building
• Laws of suggestion
• Sensory systems
• Behaviour modification
• 1-to-1 Hypnosis practice session

Module Two

• Laws of suggestion
• The VAK induction (totes)
• Planning your therapy
• Taboo words
• Labelling
• Specific questioning
• Verbal and non verbal communication
• Abreaction
• Working remotely

Module Three

• Deepening the trance state
• Anchoring the trance state
• The therapy process
• Formulating suggestions
• Post Hypnotic suggestions
• Metaphors for therapy
• Subjective interpretations
• Contingent suggestions
• Psychological phenomena in Hypnosis
• Regression and Revivification
• Working in the now
• Visualisation techniques

Module Four

• Nominalisations
• Predicates
• Group Hypnosis
• Self Hypnosis
• Collapsing anchors
• Submodalities
• Catalepsy
• Stress management
• Reframing
• Marketing
• Business stationery

Module Five

• Auto suggestion
• Client questionnaire
• Pseudo-orientation in time
• Aversion therapy
• Fears and Phobias
• Pain management
• Past life regression
• Future pacing
• Past life therapy